I love the feeling of crossing things off a to-do list. It's an even better feeling when I'm crossing things off of my "Shoot Myself with a Tiny Shot" List.
Waiting for blood work at IVF Clinic. |
This morning I woke up early (6:40) to get my blood work and have an ultrasound done. I was surprised by the number of women there with me at the Clinic this morning. I counted about eight! Hopefully each of us gets pregnant. For my visit today, I had what's called a "Suppression Check." The doctors want me to have a thin uterus lining and for my estrogen levels to be low. Thankfully they were--good to check that off the list so we can move forward.
But as with most things, there's a yin to the yang. Now that we're moving forward, that just means more of the shots (both in quantity and dosage). I am actually super nervous for my four (4!!) shots on Saturday (whoever came up with the idea of four shots all in a day deserves a smack). Three of them actually take a bit of time to prepare and I don't want to screw anything up. Knowing how anxious I can be unless I'm uber-prepared, I decided to put my mind at ease tonight by watching a few videos on how to do it. I will more than likely watch them again on Saturday before each shot.
I can't remember if this was a picture of my uterus or my follicles, but I'm 75% sure it's the uterus (or maybe it's just 75% of my uterus - who knows?) |
Not to be outdone by the pain of all these shots, I had to get pricked again today--this time to draw stuff out. The blood work was actually really painful today. Obviously me and needles are not best of friends, but I must have had an Edward Scissorhands impersonator as my phlebotomist because my arm still hurts from it actually. It left a red bump about the size of a pencil eraser. It was kind of surprising since they only needed one vial. Either it was because I was tense or because they had two left hands. Luckily, the ultrasound this visit was not painful (especially compared to the last one we did) and was very quick. I was seen by a different doctor instead of Nodler since he was at the other location.
Proof that I am still active every day! =) |
Likely side effect of all these drugs/hormones--walking around sometimes causes me to get dizzy. Although I haven't fully ruled out whether that is because I have the bad habit of always looking down at my phone while walking, I do know that it didn't really bother me before. Plus, I still have the crazy "crown" headache too (like I said, little anvils pounding away), so all sorts of stuff is going on in my cranium. It's weird because at times I will sit down and it's like everything else in the world just continues to move.
Anyway, on a lighter note, at least I still enjoyed a Pilates Jumpboard class today. I just let the instructors know before each class that I am on a lot of drugs so I may be slower or have to stop. I did pretty good with today's class though!