Even with the new meds I am on, I still do not feel well at all. This newest one makes me super sleepy and gives me a headache so I tried to stretch out the doses and ended up throwing up again. I was in a pretty bummer mood last night so I told Seth,
"I had a hell of a time getting pregnant and now a hellish time being pregnant!"
He laughed and said I should write that on my blog because it is funny. I can't catch a break.
It's hard to complain when you wanted something for so long, but it's been a very rough week. Today I am finally feeling somewhat okay. Like I may be able to get the laundry done and possibly even walk on the treadmill. The walk on the treadmill is high hopes as I have only done 20,717 steps in the past 7 days. I usually do over 10,000 steps a day which tells you how little I have been able to move.
We are supposed to go to a family reunion in Colorado in a couple days and I am very nervous to travel with the way I feel. Hopefully today's current okay state stays and we can have a good time.
*Of course all this pain and discomfort will be worth it once we have our babies, but it's definitely been and will be quite the long road to get them here.