Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Retrieval Day

I never shared the drugs I used for my trigger shot.  Here they are!
Right before the 10:30 PM trigger shots on Sunday night!  Neither shot was too painful.  Lupron went in my stomach and Gonadotropin went in my booty.
I'm just hanging out on the couch today because my stomach is in a lot of pain.  So far I am not feeling any OHSS symptoms.  I am praying that continues!  I really want to be as healthy as possible for our fresh transfer.  My retrieval was around 9:00 AM this morning with us arriving at 7:30.  We got 21 mature eggs and gave two samples.  Tomorrow we will find out how many fertilized.  I am so so happy with the numbers so far.
Right after I changed into my gown(s) for the retrieval.  Seth is good at making me laugh and said, "Still posing even though you're wearing a potato sack, huh?"
I made Seth Snap Chat for me.
Those are happy tears staining my face.  21 EGGS!

1 comment:

  1. Today was so exciting and so much good news!!! I am thrilled they retrieved almost twice as many eggs this time. You should be able to implant twins and still have other embryos to freeze. Everything seems to be working out so much better this time around! Today is the 14th, which is one of our family's lucky numbers. This is the date of your babies' conceptions. What a great way to start life! I also had to change my phone password today and I changed it from 7014 to 1414. After I had done so, I realized I had twin numbers for my password now. Another little happy vibe that we have twins on the way! Can't wait to hear more good news! So happy our prayers are being answered! Giving thanks! Love you! Mom ❤️
