Monday, May 16, 2016

Hopeful News

The past few days have been full of hope and healing.  It really helped that my parents were here this weekend as a distraction.  
We went on some nice walks (when it wasn't raining).
And ate lots of good food.
First, our hearts are feeling open and excited about the chance to adopt a baby (it may not be this year, but there's a high probability it's in our future).  Second, we found out that our second embryo (the one that failed to have any DNA in the few cells sent off the first time) was retested and found to be healthy (all 46 chromosomes).  That means we get one more frozen transfer before starting the entire process over.  

We are feeling good about both options for our family.  It will be interesting to see how the next several months play out.

I start birth control again tomorrow so that we can move forward with our second FET (probably happening in July or so).
An example of my skin's reaction to progesterone.
Unfortunately I am reacting badly to the progesterone injections that I stopped several days ago.  I actually started noticing the reaction about 1.5 weeks ago while still doing the shots.  I have rashes and bumps not only at my injection sites but on my arms and legs.  They're super itchy and extremely bumpy.  It's an unfortunate reminder of the failed FET, but I'm feeling positive about our future as parents.

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