Thursday, March 3, 2016

2-Day Old Embryos

We received an update from our doctor today on our official counts--yesterday 23 eggs were retrieved, 12 of those were mature eggs, and 6 fertilized normally.  That means that currently those six are growing in petri dishes (or tubes) right now.
We are looking forward to Monday when they'll be blastocysts.
I am experiencing some pretty severe Ovarian Hyperstimulation (OHSS).  I've now gained about 10 pounds in 48 hours.  It is incredibly painful to walk, even sitting in the car and going over humps causes discomfort.  My belly is huge so I am glad that I can take it easy (AKA not work full-time).  I got put on Zofran for the extreme nausea and Cabergoline to help prevent the OHSS.  Hopefully I start feeling good soon!

1 comment:

  1. That sounds so painful! We hope the medicine helps and that you feel a lot better soon! That growth chart is interesting! Just think! Your babies were conceived on March 1st! That's cool! It's the month of renewal...spring. That means beauty and birth await. All your kids were conceived in the spring on the exact same day! Crazy to think about! It is exciting too! So happy this miracle awaits you both! Love you! Mom ❤️
