Friday, March 25, 2016


This morning we met with our doctor to go over everything.  He is really nice and patient with all my questions.

I was right.  Our little embryo that is going to be transferred in May was the slowpoke that joined the group last!  It's a good thing our doctor decided to wait another day before sending them off for testing.  We also decided to retest #2, but it will take a few weeks to get the results.

Next step--shots starting April 6th!
Sitting in the waiting room.  Poor Seth only got 2.5 hours of sleep last night because he's pretty busy at work.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Lesson Learned

A lot of life lately has been based on calendars, shots, and meds.  It got quite draining emotionally and physically.  Tonight was a total reset.  Seth got tickets (free from a colleague) to the Rockets vs Jazz game tonight.  It was a total surprise and random thing.  The seats were amazing and included parking.  All we had to buy was our dinner (we left right after work).  It may have cost $40, but it was totally worth it for all the fun we had together.  I couldn't help but think how lucky we are.
Arrived early, checked out our seats, and then ate dinner all before the game started.
The only food I want at sporting events is hot dogs.  I went with that while Seth enjoyed some BBQ.
Up close to all the action.  I don't think I've ever paid such close attention to a game before.
Decided to hop in the huddle.
Exciting night, even if we lost in the final seconds.
Lesson Learned--still go out and do fun stuff together.  Our relationship is worth the time.  We really do have it pretty good.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Embryo Update

It seems felicitous that my new round of medication would arrive on the day we heard news on our embryos!

Around 8:45 this morning I got a call from our fertility nurse.  Seth was still home so I put it on speaker.  She had our results from the genetic testing.  Of our 3 embryos, one is chromosomaly incorrect, the second had no DNA that could be retrieved, but the third is healthy!  So we have one healthy embryo on ice.  As my mom said in a text earlier today, she is Grandma JustICE.  We go in on Friday to discuss the results and next steps with Dr. Nodler.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Part 1B

With my new round of meds.  Excuse the nose cast--that's what made it so I can't really smile.  I am healing up nicely from my deviated septum surgery!
I started birth control again today!  I decided to start taking it at 11 AM instead of the 1:15 PM I did last time.  It was a harder time to be available for.  I do have a reminder set on my Fitbit that helps.

This process is so long and frustrating at how much "timing" has to do with every little thing.  It looks like the frozen transfer will now occur in May.  Lupron shots start on April 6th and then I get to add a bunch of other drugs to the mix too.  I don't have my next official calendar yet.

I really hope our little embryos are comfortable on the ice (and healthy).      

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


Our third embryo decided to join its siblings!  We were thrilled to hear the news this afternoon that we have 3 embryos that will be tested and frozen.  Technically, they're frozen now.  If everything comes back normal/healthy from testing that means we will have our 3 children that we've always wanted.  We would then be able to go back to a single transfer in April instead of a twin transfer.  I will find it extremely funny if our only healthy embryo is the slow poke that didn't join us until today!  Can't wait to find out!  =)

Monday, March 7, 2016

5-Day Old Embryos

Today marked Day 5 for our six embryos.  We have two "A" grade embryos (according to the doctor) and a possible third that may be able to join the "twins" tomorrow.  They'll gather the few cells from each and send the cells off for testing.  The cells are sent off to Colorado.  The two (or three) embryos will then be frozen until we are ready for them in April.  The freezing process is called Vitrification (ultra-rapid freezing) and is supposed to help lessen the risk of damaging the embryos.  

Unfortunately it means the painful butt shots for several weeks, but with my OHSS and our desire to know the health due to genetic concerns, this is the best route for us to take.  I literally could have been impregnated with twins today which is a crazy thing to think about though.  I still could be in April, but that's only if we have the two.  We are looking forward to the next steps, but this space will probably be quite for a few weeks while we wait it out.  

Thursday, March 3, 2016

2-Day Old Embryos

We received an update from our doctor today on our official counts--yesterday 23 eggs were retrieved, 12 of those were mature eggs, and 6 fertilized normally.  That means that currently those six are growing in petri dishes (or tubes) right now.
We are looking forward to Monday when they'll be blastocysts.
I am experiencing some pretty severe Ovarian Hyperstimulation (OHSS).  I've now gained about 10 pounds in 48 hours.  It is incredibly painful to walk, even sitting in the car and going over humps causes discomfort.  My belly is huge so I am glad that I can take it easy (AKA not work full-time).  I got put on Zofran for the extreme nausea and Cabergoline to help prevent the OHSS.  Hopefully I start feeling good soon!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


This morning was my egg retrieval!  We got there about 8 AM, but my procedure wasn't until 9:30. Basically it was a bunch of waiting around, with not happening until 9:15 when they took me to the procedure room.  When the anesthesiologist first put the IV in my hand it stung, then it started to really hurt, and then I cried.  It was such a sharp pain that he finally took it out and put it in my arm instead.  It still hurt even once it was out so one of the nurses came over and held my hand until I fell asleep.  At least I assume she did, but I don't remember falling asleep.  I woke up back in the recovery room crying.  I was in a lot of pain, but not in my stomach.  It was actually my hand and toosh so they gave me a Toradol IV.  

On a more positive note, the preliminary counts given to us before we left was 13 eggs.  I am anxious for tomorrow's phone call that will tell us how many embryos are created.  Now we just need them to survive the next 5 days, then freezing, and finally transfer! 
Our little room.
Seth was able to move his schedule around to take me.  He worked from home to take care of me.  I am so glad we have a home office!
Couldn't put any weight on my right side so I did the model pose.
Seth asking me how I feel after the procedure.  I look as tired as I felt.  I went home and slept for 2 hours.
IV bruising on my hand.  I'm finally able to start using my hand again.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


My emotions have been right on the surface all day.  I've cried at the doctor, in the car, at the grocery store, and at home.  I really wanted to come home from my appointment and get a hug from Seth, but he was already at work (busy guy).

I am in more pain than I thought I would be.  I keep getting sharp stabbing feelings in my stomach and I can't sit normally because my injection site hurts so bad.  It was incredibly hard to sleep last night because I was in so much pain.  I actually cried in front of my blood draw nurses.  They were really sad because they told me they always look forward to seeing me since I am usually happy and very chatty with them.  They both gave me a hug when I left and told me it would be okay.  But today it's hard to be happy.  I am not going to dismiss these feelings.  I feel like I've been positive enough, and I believe they're valid to feel.  This process sucks (even if it is amazing).

When I talked to my nurse today she said I'll not only have to do the progesterone shots in my toosh before transfer, but until I am 10 weeks pregnant.
How I've been sitting all day.
Even though I felt like crap, I made sure to vote.  I do not want Trump to win Super Tuesday!