I spent several days this week on the phone trying to figure out how I could get more Lupron for less money. Dealing with the insurance company and a specialty pharmacy can be quite annoying. I was surprised on Thursday morning when I had a delivery of Lupron waiting for me. I had told the pharmacy to only mail it to me if I was going to get it for less than $15. I ended up getting it for $7! That is huge savings since they were going to charge me $379!!
I am really glad it came in case I need it! It would be very disappointing to run out when we are this close to the end of the round.
2 Off, 3 On |
Today I started 3 patches. All the hormones are starting to get to me and I am feeling on the edge of tears often. I've cried numerous times the past couple days over little things (my Nia Moves teacher moving) and big things (feeling stuck because my life is paused while we wait for results). It's not fun feeling this irritable and emotional. I also feel like there isn't much I can do about it right now either since I don't have all the information I need. For example, I had a friend text me this week about a third grade opening at a really good school. If I did get pregnant from this round I would be due in late January or early February. I would not want to write sub plans for maternity leave (talk about time consuming). But if this round doesn't work, it will be another 4-5 month process to get to this point again and I would be at the end of the school year before a baby would be born. I am leaning towards waiting it out since I should know if I'm pregnant in about 3 weeks. And hey, at least I am getting closer to the end of this "waiting round." =)
Those hormones are so out of whack! That is sad your favorite exercise teacher is gone though. Glad you got the lupron so cheap! These medicines are wonderful! Hope you have time with Seth tomorrow! Love you both! Mom