Thursday, August 25, 2016

12 Weeks 2 Days

Baby A is on the left and Baby B is on the right.  Seth lovingly refers to them as Avocado and Broccoli.
I finally gained 1 pound this past week!  It feels good to finally be gaining pregnancy weight!  I've still been throwing up the past few nights.  It's actually been pretty rough.  It seems that when I think I'm doing better I end up doing really bad that night.  I haven't been sleeping well either.  Seeing the babies today makes up for the pain!
Baby A is always picture ready.  Being so close to the cervix makes it easier to get pictures of him/her.  Today he/she enjoyed stretching out for us and kicking Baby B. 
Baby B finally gave us some clear shots of their little body.  He/she had the hiccups today and liked to flip on his/her side.
These babies are the cutest and so loved already.  

We are now hoping the placenta of Baby A moves since I was diagnosed placenta previa today. The doctor was not too concerned as I'm scheduled for a c-section in February anyways.  The babies are fine though and have strong heartbeats in the 160's.  

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

12 Weeks

We made it to 12 weeks!  I love that I can say I'm 3 months now, because it sounds like they're really coming and in the not too distant future!  I'm feeling somewhat more energetic and the nausea is decreasing.  I still need to take my medicine though!

The babies are each the size of a plum but only half an ounce each.  I go to the doctor again on Thursday and will schedule all my appointments for the rest of the pregnancy!  I also get another ultrasound and look forward to seeing them!

Thursday, August 18, 2016

11 Weeks and 2 Days

Today was the very first visit at our new OBGYN Office.  I wasn't sure what to expect since I was used to such thorough attention at the IVF Clinic, but everyone was great today.  The  nurse practitioner did a physical and asked questions I didn't know the answer to (When was your last period? What was it like?) since it's very different with IVF stuff.  Luckily I had my medical history from the clinic and she just got information from that.  I liked that I didn't feel rushed with the nurse practitioner.

I even got the regular ultrasound that is done on the stomach.  The babies were showing off their new skills so she was moving the wand all around trying to get good pictures and the heart beats.  They definitely like to move!  We actually saw Baby B flip to face the other way.  It was hard to tell what was the hand and foot since they were so active.    

I had to get my blood drawn twice, but the phlebotomist was good enough that it didn't hurt.  One time was the regular new patient check-up and the other was for some genetic testing.  

I was also told that with twins they always do C-Sections around 37 weeks unless I have some particular birth plan which I would need to discuss with my doctor (who I see next week) to see if it was safe to do.  I'll just do whatever the doctor thinks is best!  

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

11 Weeks

I'm going to try and wear this exercise outfit for each weekly picture to be able to compare  my bump growth.
It's been 5 entire days since I've thrown up!  I'm still really nauseous, but I am so glad I've had relief from throwing up.  I was even able to enjoy the weekend with my family in Salt Lake City.

Today the babies are each the size of Brussels sprouts and are about 2 inches long and 1/3 of an ounce.  

My main symptoms are still nausea and exhaustion.  I'm hoping that this is the last week of those symptoms as 2nd trimester starts in 1 week!

I am excited for my ultrasound on Thursday!

Update (1 hour later):  My streak ended!  This past hour has been spent throwing up.  

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

10 Weeks

For the past week I've been throwing up in the evenings between 8-10 PM.  To celebrate 10 weeks, my body decided to start the party early and I woke to throwing up and a lot of discomfort.  It's been a rough day and week to say the least.

I don't know if I've mentioned this, but the weirdest symptom I've experienced is a crazy sense of smell.  For example, normally I think Seth smells good and I like to cuddle up into the crook of his neck, but there have been days when I can't have him near me because he has a "sour" smell.  This can be right after a shower too.  It's been so strange, because in non-pregnant life, I never thought that about him.  I googled it online because I thought I was going crazy, but apparently other women have experienced this too.  It's really random when it happens too, like before work I can think it's terrible, but when I pick him up there is no issue.  It's probably my least favorite symptom (besides throwing up).   

I thought my hormones were wacky when I was going through fertility treatments, but I have randomly cried several times in the past week.  One time was towards the series finale for Royal Pains (which I finished Friday) and a couple was going through fertility treatments.  I guess it brought back memories and so the tears flowed.  They ended up with twins so it was a good ending!  

At 10 weeks the babies are each 1.5 inches long and about 1/4 ounce each.  My app said that's about the size of a prune.  I'm glad they're growing!

*No picture today because I am still in my pajamas and just not feeling well.  

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

9 Weeks

I'm 9 weeks today with our little miracles.  I've been absolutely miserable the past few weeks with throwing up, nausea, exhaustion, and heartburn.  The two positives of all that is that they're growing and I am in season 5 of Royal Pains now.  The Netflix show name fits with what I have been feeling the last few weeks. ;)

Our app says they are each the size of a Southern Pecan.  Seth and I thought they would be bigger, because it said strawberries last week, but apparently wild strawberries are smaller than we thought.

One of the random symptoms I have is hiccups.  I get them at least once a day!  

We are glad they are healthy and growing.  I'm also glad I was finally able to workout again today, even if it was just walking for 30 minutes on the treadmill.  It felt good to be moving again so hopefully I'll be able to start exercising again every day since I haven't done one of my classes since I was 5.5 weeks pregnant!